Science of Chocolate

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**Please note: While we strive to provide a safe and enjoyable experience for all attendees, the Science of Chocolate event involves the handling and presence of chocolate products that may contain or come into contact with peanuts and other allergens. Guests with peanut allergies are advised to exercise caution and attend at their own discretion, as we cannot guarantee an allergen-free environment.


Chocolate Fountain Timed Schedule 


  Closed at 12pm to replenish (if needed)


  Closed at 1:30pm to replenish (if needed)


  Closed at 3:00pm to replenish (if needed)


  Fountain Officially closed at 4pm


Activities throughout the Science Center:

-Layers of the Earth (Chocolate Edition!)
-Aluminium Raft Challenege

Timed Activities:

-Join us at the STEAM Cart for our Chocolate Play-Doh Activity at 10:00am-12:30pm
-Join us at the STEAM Cart for a waterproof Coco Powder Experiment at 1:00pm-3:30pm
-Sign up for our DIY Chocolate Oobleck Lab taking place at 11:30am, 1:30pm, & 2:30pm.
   This lab fills up quick so please sign up at our sign-up table located behind our Front Desk. 

-Liquid Nitrogen Chocolate Ice Cream Demonstration at 1pm on our outdoor Amphitheater.


This event is included with paid Science Center admission and free for our members. Tickets purchased at the door or ONLINE.  For more information, please call (561) 832-1988.
