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The Cox Science Center and Aquarium is an equal opportunity employer and educational facility providing equal experiences without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, military status, age or disability. We believe that curiosity and critical thinking are essential to equity and justice for all and diversity is a key component to the success of STEM fields.

For assistance in planning your visit or questions about accessibility or diversity at the Center, please call our main line during normal business hours (561) 832-1988 or email our Director of Visitor Services [email protected].

Physically Impaired

In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, CSCA is equipped to accommodate visitors with physical disabilities. All exhibits and spaces are wheelchair accessible, except for our Observatory which has several options to accommodate guests. We also have wheelchair-accessible restrooms and wheelchairs available free of charge. 

Tips for Visitors with Developmental Disabilities/Autism Spectrum Disorders or Sensory Concerns 

Quieter Times to Visit

  • We host Sensory Saturdays on the 1st Saturday of each month from 9-10am. Click here for more information.
  • Saturday and Sunday mornings from 10:00 – 11:00am and weekday afternoons after 2:00 pm (during school year) are often less busy, quieter times to visit.
  • September is usually a less busy, quieter time of year to visit.
  • Visitation will vary depending on holidays, school vacations, weather, and other factors. Please contact us for assistance at (561) 832-1988.


  • Accessible restrooms located throughout the building. They are all sensory-friendly and DO NOT have hand dryers or auto-flush mechanisms. 

Sensory Concerns

  • Light, noise and crowds vary widely throughout the building.
  • The Planetarium and Theater are attractions that provide a large amount of sensory stimulation; consider bringing noise-reducing headphones.
  • If a member of your group has sensory concerns and you would like more information, please contact us at 561-832-1988 during regular business hours.

Quieter Places and Exhibits

  • There are quieter places and exhibits throughout the Science Center.
  • These can vary depending on the time of day, time of year, and show schedules.


  • Allows unlimited visits for a year. Click here for more benefits.
  • Good option for families where members have limited stamina. Stay for 15 minutes or 5 hours — whatever works that day — without worrying about waste!

Animal Policy*

Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), a service animal is defined as a dog that has been individually trained to do work or perform tasks for an individual with a disability.  The task(s) performed by the dog must be directly related to the person’s disability.

  • The tasks may include but are not limited to: guiding, alerting, pulling, assisting, retrieving, or performing other special tasks for someone with a disability. 
  • A service animal is not a pet. 

Service animals are welcome throughout the Science Center so long as:

  • The service animal must be harnessed, leashed, or tethered while in public places unless these devices interfere with the service animal’s work or the person’s disability prevents use of these devices.
  • The handler maintains control over the service animal so as not to excessively or repeatedly disrupt normal operations.
  • Any messes/accidents are cleaned up by the owner

*Animals without a leash MUST be kept in either a carrier, bag, or stroller at all times. Non-service animals are NOT allowed to be leashed or openly carried in the owner's arms and will not be permitted to enter the building.

For questions regarding service animals as covered by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) as enforced by the U.S. Department of Justice, please click here for more information.


Racial Equity Committee

The Cox Science Center has a designated Racial Equity Core Committee comprised of staff members of all levels and backgrounds. This committee meets monthly with a focus on keeping our policies and procedures updated and identifying annual diversity and equity training for all staff members. For more information, please contact our Chief Operating Officer, Carla Duhaney, at [email protected]

Admission Programs

The Cox Science Center strongly believes that every individual, regardless of financial means, should be able to visit the Center. Please see below for the discount programs we offer. 

Discounts cannot be combined or used in addition to other offers.

Museums for All
Through Museums for All, those receiving food assistance (SNAP or WIC benefits) receive $3 admission (per person) to the Science Center. Present your SNAP or WIC EBT cards and ID to receive $3 admission for up to 5 people per card. Valid for general admission only. Excludes special events and planetarium show tickets. Click here for more information.

Military Discount
US Veterans and active-duty military service members receive 50% OFF general admission all year long (with valid ID)! Additional guests will be charged the general admission pricing. Not valid with spouse ID, service member only.

Half Price for Heroes
Last Saturday of every month. Frontline workers and first responders get half price off general admission for up to 4 guests. Must show ID badge,

Blue Star Museum
The Science Center participates in the Blue Star Museum program, which offers free admission to the nation’s active-duty military personnel and their families, including National Guard and Reserve, from Armed Forces Day, May 17, 2025, through Labor Day, September 1, 2025 (with proper ID). Active-duty military service members receive a 100% discount (up to 6 total per transaction). Click here for more information.

Bank of America "Museums on Us"
Museums on Us is a monthly promotion offering Bank of America cardholders one free general admission to select museums on the first full weekend of every month (Saturday and Sunday falling in the same calendar month). Guest must present their Bank of America card and photo ID. Free general admission is limited to the cardholder at the participating institution. Please note: Museums On Us program is not valid with any other discount/offer or during special events.  ​

"A" For Science Program
Students in grades K-12 who receive an "A" grade (or highest grade within the given metric) in science on their most recent report card will receive free general admission with the purchase of a paid regular adult ticket. Free admission does not include special events. Report card must be presented at the ticket counter at time of purchase. Children 12 and younger must be accompanied by an adult. One free child admission per paid adult admission. The offer has no cash value and cannot be combined with other offers or discounts.

Field Research Ranger Program
The Palm Beach County School District and the Resource in Science Education (RISE) Network have developed a Field Research Ranger Program to encourage students to visit 16 natural and cultural organizations within Palm Beach County including the Cox Science Center.  Students will be able to participate in a fun activity with free admission to the Science Center if they download a passport booklet here. Must be accompanied by full-price adult admission.